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Hungarian would be nice

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Hey, a trespasser here, and I saw that there's a mistranslation in Korean in the preview screenshots. In the screenshot where Jasmine says "Which language do you want to learn?" and Korean (in Hangul, the Korean alphabet) is highlighted, 한국인 means Korean as if in a Korean person. To say Korean as if in the Korean language, you would want to use 한국어.

This games seems super interesting, so thank you for developing this game

Can't wait to continue my Laga journey :)

This is a wonderful game! It is exactly what I have searched for. Fun characters, an interesting story and an relaxed atmosphere to immers into the language.

 Thanks so much! 

I've send a small amount your way and definitely plan to buy the following chapters 

I really enjoyed this demo and I can't wait to see more of the game! I'm a language lover and, just like you, I can't really retain things from just studying with apps. The real-time, real-conversation aspect of this is so cool!

If it's possible, I think an on-screen keyboard for the target language would be really helpful. I have a physical one that has both English and my target language's layout, but I'm sure not everyone does. So, that would be really cool to possibly see in the future :)

Thank you for making this; keep up the amazing work!

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I really can't believe I downloaded visual novels originally to learn English, so I was surprised that the game has a feature for that ------enthusiasm af-----, and it also has the Syrian dialect, oh my God

I love the Syrian dialect - I made this game for myself to learn it :)

لا اصدق حق ا انا حملت روايات مرئية اصلا لتعلم الانجليزية فتفاجئت بان اللعبة فيها خاصية لدلك حمااس وفيها اللجة السورية كمان يا الاهي

أكيد! عملت هالشي لحالي عشان أتعلم العربية السورية :))))))))))))

سأجرب اللعبة حالا دام فيها عربية

العربية والعربية السورية كانتا أول لغتين لهذه اللعبة. قم بتحميلها وسترى :)

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Hello. I downloaded the game (and did send a little money for it.) I have been playing the game on Japanese, and would like to let you know there are some pretty big holes in the Japanese version right now. I'm pretty sure whatever algorithm you use to parse the sentences relies on there being spaces, and because there are no spaces in Japanese, the personal dictionary is completely broken (you translate entire sentences) as well as one of the games--the one in which you are supposed to order the words in the sentence (you just order the sentences in front of the punctuation mark--haha!) The third game just brings up an error screen it looks like. Also, for some reason, a number of kanji don't display. Maybe you have a limited character set? There are also some silly things with translation but I'm sure you're already aware of this fact. I thought I'd let you know about these problems, though. It's still fun and useful to read through the Japanese sentences, but the language learning features you developed are essentially broken for Japanese as of now. Thank you for this cool game!

I really appreciate the feedback! This is good to know. I'm going to pull the Japanese because it's been giving me too many problems. I won't give up on it entirely but for now it's going on the back burner. Luckily I haven't been having the same problems with any other languages. 

I'll be sad to see it go, but I understand, it's probably better to pull it than to have some people think the whole game is broken!

Definitely. When it comes to translations and language learning, it's better to focus on quality than quantity. This is especially true for Japanese!

I arrived in laga and they started to speak another language but... should I translate it without learning anything? it is kind of confusing

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These kinds of games are meant to be explored and discovered by yourself so I don't want to give too much away. My recommendation is to make the game whatever you want it to be. The language learning tools will all be there by the first 20 - 30 minutes or so. You haven't gotten to that point yet :)

ok, I will try my best